Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Paleo Chocolate Pumpkin Muffins

When I was fairly early on in my pregnancy I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. The worst part for me was not that I had to prick my finger and test my blood sugar four times a day. Nor was it counting every single carb that went into my mouth. It wasn't even the fact that I couldn't just eat when I was hungry. Although I hated all those things, the worst part was breakfast. My options were limited as I was allowed a mere 15carbs for my morning meal. All of my favorite breakfasts were well above 15 carbs. I was basically left with eggs, eggs, and more eggs. I grew to really dislike them.

Oh, how I wish I'd known about paleo/primal back then, Then I would have known the possibilities for low carb, high protein, breakfasts go way beyond eggs with a side of eggs.

My new favorite are pumpkin muffins, the following is a recipe I've adapted from many different sources, with my own special addition of chocolate, because I really like chocolate.

1/2 cup coconut flour
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tbs unsweetened cocoa
1/2cup pumpkin puree (NOT pumpkin pie mix)
6 eggs
4 tablespoons melted coconut oil (or you could use unsalted butter)
1/3 cup honey
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees
2. Shift all dry ingredients together
3. In a separate bowl, add one egg at a time to pumpkin puree, until well blended. Then add coconut oil, honey and vanilla. When mixed well wisk in dry ingredients.
4. Put batter into well-greased muffin tins. * I use a large 6-muffin tin
5. bake 20 minutes and enjoy

*if you like your muffins to look pretty, be sure to flatten out the batter after putting it in the tins. I've found any non-grain flour will pretty much bake in the same position you put it in the oven. Flattening it out helps them look a little more "normal"


  1. You use coconut flour here-- any other flours that would work well? Does the flour taste of coconut? I am allergic to nuts and the flavor of coconuts is just too close for me, I think, and I strongly dislike it. I even hate Malibu rum (The smell of suntan lotion, which smells exactly like Malibu tastes, on the other hand, I love. Just as long as I don't have to ingest it).

    I have strongly considered at least reducing our gluten intake and my sister has been dx with GD but is in Germany so her available oddities are a little less so... picking your brain :)

  2. Coconut flour smells of coconut prior to baking, but does not retain the flavor/smell (to me at least).
    Most of the flours I use are nut based since we don't eat grains of any kind. The exception would be flax, which bakes similarly to coconut flour, although I haven't tried it with these.
    There are also lots of gluten free flour blends out there now that use tapioca and rice flour.

  3. Just made these and they are really great! My boyfriend loves them. :)
    Instead of the spices mentioned I just used a tbs of pumpkin pie spice and they turned out wonderful. And very nice for fall. Thanks for sharing!!
