Tuesday, January 3, 2012

When Less Costs More

When grains and beans are absent from your diet, inexpensive fillers are difficult to find. I do save money by planning our meals around the meat and produce on sale at the store, but there is no "extreme" couponing to be had when we mainly shop the perimeter of the store instead of the aisles.

While I know the benefits to our general health are priceless, I get a little bitter about how much more it costs to eat healthy. And then there are times when the additional cost of eating healthy baffles me. I thought about this yesterday as I had to search to find unsweetened coconut flakes.

Sweetened coconut was cheap and plentiful at the store, with three different brands to choose from. The "organic" one coming in at a whopping $2.50 for a 16oz bag. Unsweetened coconut was hidden on the bottom shelf, with only one brand available and I paid $4.63 for a little 12oz bag. It's not even organic. I just don't understand how not having the added sugar costs more. You would think that the opposite would be true.

It's no wonder we have such an obesity epidemic in our society.

1 comment:

  1. It's so frustrating how much more expensive it is to try to eat healthy. It is definitely backwards!
