Friday, April 6, 2012


Even though I have not been great about blogging the last few months (way too much going on in our world), our primal lifestyle is still going strong. We keep about 80% of our meals (100% of at home meals) paleo or primal, and 20% are cheats. But both Isaac and I have hit a bit of a plateu in the weight loss arena and need a recharge.

Most of the primal and paleo plans suggest you be strict-paleo for 30 days first, and then switch to 80/20. But when I started I was breastfeeding and didn't yet trust that I could get everything I needed by being so strict, so I've always done 80/20. Now that I'm more comfortable, and nursing is less and less a source of nutrition for Hailey, I'm ready for our first Whole30.

Which means starting Monday April 9, 2012, we will not be eating any dairy, legumes, grains, sugar or sugar-substitutes. Nor will we be paleoifying treats like cookies, brownies, and cakes. (Paleoifying is way too common in our house right now.) You can read more about the Whole30 here.

Why start on the 9th? Why not start now? Well, I'll be honest. I LOVE Peeps. I don't want to sacrafice my one-time a year I allow myself to partake of their marshmallow-sugar yumminess. So we're starting the day after Easter. It seems fitting to start at a time of renewal anyway.

Plus we'll end on the 9th, just in time for my *gulp* 10 year college reunion. I hope this 30 days will help me to shed some excess poundage before then.

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