Monday, April 9, 2012

A Meal Planning Crisis

I'll start out by saying, I realize this is a completely first-world problem. Isaac has been working a lot these days. Last week there was one night he was home before midnight, and that was just a quick check in to give Hailey a bath so he could see her. He has a big brief due today, so I already knew going into the weekend that we would not see him on Saturday.

My office closed early on Friday, I picked up Hailey and we had a great afternoon together. My plan was to do my meal-planning for Easter and the start of the 30 day challenge after she went to bed. Then I'd be able to grocery shop on the way home from an Easter Egg Hunt Saturday morning. Everything was going swimmingly, Hailey went down very easily. The housekeeper had come so I didn't have anything to pick up. I sat down on the couch and fired up the laptop only to discover there was once again a problem with our AT&T Internet. I started to panic. I do all my meal planning online. All my recipes are online. The grocery store ad so I know what's on sale? Also online.

I attempted to start planning on my phone. But even though my phone is awesome and has faster Internet than our DSL (even when the DSL works). My little 6ish inch screen is not fun to try to plan a weeks worth of meals. Then I remembered I actually have Paleo Cookbooks - 3 to be exact. Lucky for me the first one I started thumbing through was ">Everyday Paleo, where I discovered toward the back she has a 30day Family Meal Plan! Not only are the recipes laid out, but there's also a shopping list to the right of every 5 days worth of food.

I did make a few modifications to her plan. Her egg cupcakes call for bacon, but under the Whole30 bacon is a no-no. I substituted fresh sausage (no sugar, no gluten) instead. And they taste amazing. And Day 5 called for Blueberry pancakes, but because I've committed to not "paleoifying" foods, and/or using sweeteners including maple syrup, I decided we'll just have blueberries and almonds with our scrambled eggs. And because we have some leftover ham, we're having ham instead of jerky on a few days. (Although I did pick up some beef to make my own jerky).

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