Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Starting Over

The last eight years have taken a toll on me.  There have been moments of deep sorrow - losing my dad, losing my brother, losing a grandmother, struggling to have a baby.  But there has also been great joy. From getting married, to having our beautiful children.  Somewhere in there my body changed to one I no longer recognize.

I lost weight after having our daughter in 2010. It was slow to come off, but before getting pregnant again with our son in 2012, I had lost 60 something pounds.  Unfortunately I gained it all back.  And it's come back, and stayed, in places I am not used to being my "problem" area - namely my stomach.

In the 16 months since his birth, I have struggled to lose weight.  Even remaining faithful to our Paleo/Primal diet  it was just not coming off.  While nursing the first 12 months, I found that any restriction in my caloric intake resulted in a big supply dip while pumping. A dip I couldn't afford.  So I set the diet aside and focused on exercise instead.  After he turned 1, I tried a Paleo Challenge.  I found myself utterly unsatisfied.  And though I was strict, the weight just wasn't coming off like it had before.

I decided to try something different, and added whole grains back in. I also joined a fitness boot camp 3 mornings a week. Slowly, but surely, the weight has started to come off again.

I decided to try something different and harder to really spark a change in what I see in the mirror. So on June 16, 2014 I started the Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Program.  I'm currently on Day 2 of the 7 day kick starter, and then will start the 90 day program next Monday.  This is my journey.

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