I have had so much on my plate lately that I haven't had time to put up this current week's meal plan. I guess I'll just combine the plan with my review of the recipes. This week I went entirely off things I found on Pinterest - with Great Success.
Saturday - Green Coconut Salmon with Cauliflower Rice . This was to die for! Seriously, even my normally Salmon-hating better half scraped every last crumb off his plate. Even better bonus - it was super easy. I think this may become a regularly scheduled recipe for mid-week.
Sunday - Stuffed Cabbage This was pretty good - although I wish I had made extra sauce. The jar she calls for would not be enough. I did modify the recipe a bit. I forgot the jarred mariana sauce, so I ended up throwing my own together with what I had (a can of whole plum tomatoes, two fresh, some jarred red peppers and basil). The recipe made a ton of filling. I froze enough filling to make another complete meal someday. And we had enough stuffed cabbages left for a whole dinner some other night. While it was a time-intensive recipe I did get three + dinners out of one prep.
Monday and Tuesday Grain-free Lasanga This was one of my favorite things this week. It was definitely more Primal than Paleo due to the cheese, but it was oh so delicious. And even having it two nights, we froze another night's worth.
Wednesday Paleo Orange Chicken I only wish I'd thought to make cauliflower rice to go with this. It was good, and had a little kick which I find often lacking in Paleo Recipes. The one modification I did was instead of using the zest of one orange, I used some of the pulp left from juicing.
Thursday Left Over Pork Stirfry I added some Coconut Aminos to this (a substitute for soy sauce, with far less salt) and it came out really well. I also used left over pork chops from last week.
Friday - Cannibal Peppers I'm making these with Left over chicken from last week.